
Spinal problems affecting mobility can be debilitating, with ongoing care you can enjoy improved quality of lifestyle.


Regular chiropractic can have an impact on your posture and spinal function. This may be achieved by addressing the root cause of poor posture which can lead to changes in overall muskuloskeletal health and spinal function. COMPUTER/OFFICE work has a huge impact on your posture and the health of your joints. Poor posture at the computer can lead to many areas of discomfort.

Poor posture can impact so many aspects of your body including:

  • joint function, it can put extra stress on your joints leading to wear and tear

  • pain in the neck, back and shoulder is common when you slouch on the couch or in your chair at the desk

  • headaches, persistent poor posture at the desk or sleeping can aggravate the small muscles and joints in your neck leading to tension and cervicogenic headaches

  • digestion, a crumpled posture can put pressure on your organs

  • breathing, you may experience shortness of breath or fatigue

Talk to one of our Chiropractor’s about what may be able to help your individual posture concerns.


Chiropractic for babies


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