Can a Chiropractor help headaches?
Chiropractors are well placed to be able to assess and determine the best course of treatment to alleviate headaches.
In short - many headaches can be relieved with Chiropractic. Some may reduce in frequency, some may reduce in their intensity of pain, others may go away altogether - each person is very different.
There are many different types of headaches. The three most common are:
Tension type headaches – often described as a band around your head, will be a dull aching feeling on both sides of your head. Tension type headaches are often triggered by muscle tension, stress and poor posture.
Cervicogenic Headaches – present with pain on one side of your head and neck and usually a reduced range of motion in your neck. The cause of these headaches are usually identified as a muscle or joint within your neck.
Migraines – Migraines usually present as a debilitating, severe, throbbing on one side of your head, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sounds. Migraines can present with or without an aura (the phase prior to head pain). The cause of migraines remain a mystery but migraines can be triggered by many things such as stress, hormones, certain foods or changes to your sleep
Our Chiropractors will perform a thorough examination of your body to identify possible causes. If appropriate your Chiropractor will use a variety of techniques to reduce muscle tension, improve spinal mobility and posture to alleviate tension and reduce your headaches. Advice on posture and exercises to help prevent your headaches may also be provided.